Large Animals Winners

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Animal TypeAward CategoryWinner
BeefSupreme Champion Market BeefLucas Epling, Campbell FFA
BeefReserve Supreme Champion Market BeefIsabella Weber, Campbell FFA
BeefChampion 4-H Market BeefMadyson Alvernaz, Pacheco Pass
BeefChampion FFA Market BeefLucas Epling, Campbell FFA
BeefReserve Champion 4-H Market BeefPayton Duarte, Pleasant Acres
BeefReserve Champion FFA Market BeefIsabella Weber, Campbell FFA
BeefBeginning 4-H Beef ShowmanshipKallen Smith, Pacheco Pass
BeefNovice 4-H Beef ShowmanshipBrenda Alvarado, Pacheco Pass
BeefAdvanced 4-H Beef ShowmanshipMadyson Alvernaz, Pacheco Pass
BeefNovice FFA Beef ShowmanshipParker Simon, Morgan Hill
BeefAdvanced FFA Beef ShowmanshipIsabella Weber, Campbell FFA
BeefChampion Beef Bred & FedMax Connor, Campbell FFA
BeefChampion Beef Carcass SteerIsabella Weber, Campbell FFA
BeefSupreme Beef ShowmanshipIsabella Weber, Campbell FFA
Dairy CattleChampion Registered Dairy CowKallen Smith, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Dairy CattleChampion Grade Dairy CowKaiden Smith, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Dairy CattleReserve Champion Grade Dairy CowDon Rose, Gilroy FFA
Dairy CattleBeginning 4-H Dairy Cattle ShowmanshipKallen Smith, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Dairy CattleNovice 4-H Dairy Cattle ShowmanshipKaiden Smith, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Dairy CattleAdvanced FFA Dairy Cattle ShowmanshipDon Rose, Gilroy FFA
Dairy CattleSupreme Dairy Cattle ShowmanshipDon Rose, Gilroy FFA
Dairy GoatBest Doe in ShowEmily Bond, Rolling Hills 4-H
Dairy GoatReserve Doe in ShowHannah Epling, Campbell FFA
Dairy GoatBeginning 4-H Dairy Goat ShowmanshipTawni Ortner, Chualar 4-H
Dairy GoatNovice 4-H Dairy Goat ShowmanshipKourtney Soulia, San Martin 4-H
Dairy GoatAdvanced 4-H Dairy Goat ShowmanshipHailey Soulia, San Martin 4-H
Dairy GoatNovice FFA Dairy Goat ShowmanshipNoe Patino, Sobrato FFA
Dairy GoatAdvanced FFA Dairy Goat ShowmanshipHannah Epling, Campbell FFA
Dairy GoatDairy Goat Youth AwardTawni Ortner, Chualar 4-H
Dairy GoatDairy Goat Fitting ContestKourtney Soulia, San Martin 4-H
Dairy GoatSupreme Dairy Goat ShowmanshipHailey Soulia, San Martin 4-H
Dairy GoatStandard Breed Star MilkerTawni Ortner, Chualar 4-H
Dairy GoatDwarf Breed Star MilkerAlex Becker, Rolling Hills 4-H
HorseNovice 4-H Horse ShowmanshipAbigail Lorera, San Martin, 4-H
HorseAdvanced 4-H Horse ShowmanshipPayton Duarte, Pleasant Acres 4-H
HorseSuperior HorseAbigail Lorera, San Martin, 4-H
Market GoatSupreme Champion Market GoatElizabeth Rios, Gilroy FFA
Market GoatReserve Supreme Champion Market GoatNydia Robleto, Sobrato FFA
Market GoatChampion 4-H Market GoatTristan Ruiz Esparza, Sunset 4-H
Market GoatChampion FFA Market GoatElizabeth Rios, Gilroy FFA
Market GoatReserve Champion 4-H Market GoatWaylon Naccarato, San Martin 4-H
Market GoatReserve Champion FFA Market GoatNydia Robleto, Sobrato FFA
Market GoatBeginning 4-H Market Goat ShowmanshipMateo Ruiz Esparza, Sunset 4-H
Market GoatNovice 4-H Market Goat ShowmanshipJonathan Uribe, Sunset 4-H
Market GoatAdvanced 4-H Market Goat ShowmanshipSamuel Piro, Sunset 4-H
Market GoatNovice FFA Market Goat ShowmanshipNydia Robleto, Sobrato FFA
Market GoatAdvanced FFA Market Goat ShowmanshipHannah Epling, Campbell FFA
Market GoatChampion Bred & Fed Market GoatHannah Epling, Campbell FFA
Market GoatSupreme Market Goat ShowmanshipSamuel Piro, Sunset 4-H
SheepSupreme Champion Market LambKendall Driscoll, Morgan Hill FFA
SheepReserve Supremee Champion Market LambLily Doty, San Juan 4-H
SheepChampion 4-H Market LambLily Doty, San Juan 4-H
SheepChampion FFA Market LambKendall Driscoll, Morgan Hill FFA
SheepReserve Champion 4-H Market LambLily Doty, San Juan 4-H
SheepReserve Champion FFA Market LambMadison Johnson, Gilroy FFA
SheepBeginning 4-H Sheep ShowmanshipLucas Secola, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SheepNovice 4-H Sheep ShowmanshipKatelyn Secola, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SheepAdvanced 4-H Sheep ShowmanshipJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SheepNovice FFA Sheep ShowmanshipMadison Johnson, Gilroy FFA
SheepAdvanced FFA Sheep ShowmanshipKendall Driscoll, Morgan Hill FFA
SheepChampion Carass LambClaire Calvillo, Campbell FFA
SheepChampion Bred & Owned Market LambKendall Driscoll, Morgan Hill FFA
SheepChampion Bred & Fed Market LambJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SheepSupreme Sheep ShowmashipJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SheepLad & Laddies leadAiyanna Brown, Homsteaders 4-H
SwineSupreme Champion Market HogPayton Duarte, Pleasant Acres 4-H
SwineReserve Supreme Champion Market HogKyle DeBolt, El Sereno 4-H
SwineChampion 4-H Market HogPayton Duarte, Pleasant Acres 4-H
SwineChampion FFA Market HogParker Simon, Morgan Hill FFA
SwineReserve Champion 4-H Market HogKyle DeBolt, El Sereno 4-H
SwineReserve Champion FFA Market HogAbigail Ellingson, Morgan Hill FFA
SwineBeginning 4-H Swine ShowmanshipVivian St. Georges, Rolling Hills 4-H
SwineNovice 4-H Swine ShowmanshipPayton Duarte, Pleasant Acres 4-H
SwineAdvanced 4-H Swine ShowmanshipJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
SwineNovice FFA Swine ShowmanshipJulia Jeffrey, Morgan Hill FFA
SwineAdvanced FFA Swine ShowmanshipKendall Driscoll, Morgan Hill FFA
SwineSupreme Swine ShowmanshipJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Master ShowmanshipLarge Animal 4-H Novice Master ShowmanshipAudrey Spaid, El Sereno 4-H
Master ShowmanshipLarge Animal 4-H Advanced Master ShowmanshipJessica Chacon, Pacheco Pass 4-H
Master ShowmanshipLarge Animal FFA Novice Master ShowmanshipParker Simon, Morgan Hill FFA
Master ShowmanshipLarge Animal FFA Advanced Master ShowmanshipDon Rose, Gilroy FFA
PeeweeDairy Goat Peewee ShowmanshipDaisy Gilmore
PeeweeSwine Peewee ShowmanshipKayden Ramirez

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Fair Poster Contest

Poster Due By May 15, 2024

In celebration of the 80th year of the Santa Clara County Fair, we’re thrilled to announce a unique opportunity for young artists to create a commemorative fair poster. The Santa Clara County Fair has a rich history, dating back to its establishment in 1941.

In this competition, we are looking for young artists to channel their creative talents to illustrate how the Silicon Valley has evolved over the years, transitioning ‘From the Fields’ to the transformation of a tech-based landscape ‘The Future’. Let your artistic vision capture the essence of this journey as we celebrate the 2024 Santa Clara County Fair.

Please note that we only accept hand-drawn illustrations for this competition. Works created with any form of artificial intelligence assistance, whether partial or total, will not be considered. Let your imagination and skill shine through your traditional artistic expression. Good luck!